What's new?


Edict+ has been updated! (version: January, 2025)
You can download it for free here.

You can now change the look of your GoldenDict through profiles:

Go to the Setup page to learn more. Review the Step 2 (download the new font pack) and Step 4 (download the profiles).


New payment options have been added to the Suite page. You can now donate using your credit card:


All kanji and hanzi dictionaries with assembling and decomposing functions will now show all the phonetics related to their components. Refer to the Phonetics page to learn more.

All kanji and hanzi dictionaries with assembling and decomposing functions will now show all characters belonging to the JISX0212 group in dark gray. This was done simply to identify all the 13 thousand characters from Kanjidic. You don't have to worry about this group - focus on the three main groups instead: blue, red and gray (in order of priority).

Hanzi Fragments has been added to the Suite.


All kanji and hanzi dictionaries with assembling and decomposing functions will now show meanings for ALL radicals/parts listed:


Edict+ has been added! (version: August, 2023)
You can download it for free here.

JMDict+ has been updated! (version: August, 2023)
You can download it for free here.

All dictionaries were converted from publicly available sources, free for personal and commercial use - most of them derive from the excellent works of James Breen and the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group. A license file is included with every dictionary.